Friday, January 15, 2010

Rheumatism Treatment If A Person Has Rheumatism That That Person Needs To Be Premed Before Treatment??

If a person has rheumatism that that person needs to be premed before treatment?? - rheumatism treatment

Rheumatism is a very old word that is impossible to describe a specific disease. This means that medical problems arising from the heart, bones, joints, kidneys, skin and lungs. There are several types of arthritis are not all Premed require dental treatment.

If you mean by that is rheumatic fever causes heart damage, including rheumatic heart disease.

Must have had, not all people with rheumatic fever Premed.

Only people who have had heart valve Premed necessity.

Basically, the damage to the heart valves, it is easier for bacteria in the blood of the heart valves attatched and cause a very serious and difficult to treat infections of the heart valves.

Take a deliberate (antibiotics) prevents bacteria from dental treatment, more heart valve.

A doctor can determine whether heart valves are damaged or not, if antibiotics are not necessary.


nocturni... said...

rheumatic fever, more rumors, but always with your health professional

elaine_c... said...

Have had people with rheumatic fever, are often susceptible to damage heart valves.

Dentists are usually antibiotics before dental cleaning or other procedure because a lot of mouths of the streptococcus bacteria that causes damage to heart valves. During dental treatment, your gums bleed May can collect the blood and spread bacteria to heart valves.

The arthritis is usually the time to develop rheumatoid rheumatoid necessarlly is not the same process that causes rheumatic fever.

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